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View Full Version : Small fish tank for herbs...

04-25-2013, 02:19 PM
Hey everyone. Aquaponics is a new idea to me, I recently came across this thing and had been wanting to grow some herbs in the kitchen: http://store.backtotheroots.com/AquaFar ... ponics.htm (http://store.backtotheroots.com/AquaFarm_p/aquaponics.htm)

I was researching this idea and came across this forum seeing that most of you are using huge tanks and plenty of fishes. What do you guys think about this small tank just for growing some herbs in the kitchen? Is this product just a bad idea? The thing is 3 gallons and the website shows a single fish though it says up to 3 can work. Is that single fish really going to be enough?

04-25-2013, 03:07 PM
Not worth the money or the trouble. It's not much more than a goldfish bowl with a pan sitting on top. Look on craigslist and find yourself a bigger aquarium and you will need more fish. You can sit the grow bed pan on the top of the aquarium or you can get inventive and do something like this.


Remember you are only limited by your imagination....a quote from a famous or not so famous person :mrgreen:

Aloha Don
04-25-2013, 03:14 PM
I started AP with a cheap 1 gallon tank and air stone with about 15 guppies. I just had a couple pieces of styrofoam floating on top supporting a couple plants. It seemed to work well but you will soon be looking for more....You too will become addicted.
The one fish in that small system will not provide enough nutrients...imho.