View Full Version : Hello from Alaska

04-24-2013, 12:16 PM
Hello, My name is Brad Strong and I live in Eagle River, Alaska. I became very interested in Aquaponics over the past few weeks and decided to start a small indoor system. I am new at this so any help I can get from you guys would really help and be very appreciated.
My System is a constant flow system with a small ten gallon tank and 3 gold fish. My grow bed is 26" x18" and 10" deep with my media at 8" and I have a 7" stand pipe for my drain. My pump is directly in the fish tank and I have found a good flow rate to where the fish don't experience any drops in the water level.
I'm sure I will have plenty of questions for you guys and look forward to the advice.

Aloha Don
04-24-2013, 04:37 PM
Welcome to the forum!
What are you doing for lights?
What are you growing?
Looking forward to pictures of your system.
Read thru the Aquaponics 101 series on this forum....That provides lot of useful information.

04-24-2013, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the advice I will read through that series as soon as possible, the more help I can get the better.

as for lighting, right now Alaska is going through the bright part of the season and it is remaining sunny for most of the day from around 4am to midnight, so my system is currently sitting in the window sill.

I am currently cycling my system and have no plants in the system yet, although I am up for ideas on plants to grow. My wife and I have been doing research but haven't made any real decisions yet.

04-25-2013, 07:41 AM
Welcome...read, read, study, study, learn learn... :mrgreen:

04-29-2013, 08:31 AM
Hi Brad.... :)