View Full Version : 4 additions to the fish tank!

04-12-2013, 10:20 PM
Caught one tilapia a few nights ago and 3 more this evening. Sixteen pounds - 4 fish - added to the fish tank! Caught the first one on a chunk of hot dog and the three this evening on free lined bread crust floated on the surface of my back yard canal! Four less invasive species in the local ecology and 16 pounds of prime breeders in my ap fish tank! Life in south Florida is good! :)

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/tarvus33991/1_zps34f81f79.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/tarvus33991/media/1_zps34f81f79.jpg.html)
http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/tarvus33991/2_zpsbd8998e7.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/tarvus33991/media/2_zpsbd8998e7.jpg.html)
http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/tarvus33991/3_zps5b9a21d9.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/tarvus33991/media/3_zps5b9a21d9.jpg.html)
http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/tarvus33991/4_zpsbeaa8e44.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/tarvus33991/media/4_zpsbeaa8e44.jpg.html)

04-12-2013, 11:07 PM
Nice fish!! Is that brackish water your catching them in? I like the size of those suckers, but I'd be leary of eating them due to the runoff of such nice pollutants we add to our local water supply. Probably why they are so f'in big!!! Congrats on the catch though! I thought about catching some myself for my system.

04-13-2013, 05:37 AM
Have a lake close by full of them but no fishing until Memorial Day since it's a city park. Plenty of plecos too.

04-13-2013, 07:17 AM
They have a season on freshwater fishing?!?!? What in the world?! Basil, would you eat those fish?

04-13-2013, 07:28 AM
Nice fish!! Is that brackish water your catching them in? I like the size of those suckers, but I'd be leary of eating them due to the runoff of such nice pollutants we add to our local water supply. Probably why they are so f'in big!!! Congrats on the catch though! I thought about catching some myself for my system.

Fresh water. Our fresh water canals are elevated above the salt canals and separated by weirs. I have no problem eating wild caught fish from our canal system. The same rain fills them that fills the natural rivers and streams.

04-13-2013, 03:52 PM
Darned nice fish!!!

04-14-2013, 05:54 AM
They have a season on freshwater fishing?!?!? What in the world?! Basil, would you eat those fish?

City created lake, city park, city rules. The city stocked it with them to eat vegetation and they outpaced everything else that was in the lake.

04-14-2013, 06:12 AM
Looks like good eating! nice pix ;)

04-14-2013, 06:39 AM
We lost an ENORMOUS tilapia last night, but managed to land this smaller one which is still a nice addition to the fish tank!

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/tarvus33991/5_zpsa734f7fe.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/tarvus33991/media/5_zpsa734f7fe.jpg.html)

04-14-2013, 05:49 PM
This is tonight's addition...

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk306/tarvus33991/6_zps0d966af8.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/tarvus33991/media/6_zps0d966af8.jpg.html)

04-15-2013, 05:32 AM
Doing awesome bsfman. In regards to the comment about eating them, I was more concerened with run off into the water; pesticides, fertilizers, oil, etc. I live on the Bay here in Tampa and we always have flashing sign trailers (best way to describe them) with warnings. Citizens seen dumping oil into Bay, please report crimes. Red tide in the Bay, swim at your own risk and do not eat the fish. Run off off of fertilizers is also a huge problem, which is why no fertilizer is sold during the summer months. I guess where you are it isn't as filled with idiots that don't care about the water or environment and red tide is only a saltwater problem.

What are you catching those tilapia on? I have a compost bin of red wigglers, think theyd work?