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04-03-2013, 05:40 PM
Hey guys,
Just wanted to see what everyone is planning on growing this summer. I am still filling up my GB's with what I can to get started on practicing my green thumb.

Right now in the GB I have Bell Pepper, Banana Pepper, Jalapeno Pepper, Celebrity Tomato, Culantro, Oregano, and Rosemary plants. I am trying to get some seeds started in rockwool, but haven't seen much sporuting. The seeds are Florade (specialty tomato made for the Florida climate) Tomato, Pole and Bush Beans, Summer Squash, Okra, Boston Cucumbers, Basil, and Cilantro.

I live in Tampa, Florida. Our summers tend to have an average high of 90*F (32*C) and the average low is 77*F (25*C) with a nice monthly average rainfall of 7" (which I think is low). Lets just say it's 100% humidity all the time.

Please feel free to post what you are growing and what your growing area is like.

04-04-2013, 06:47 AM
Sounds like a nice setup of vegetables to me, quite a variety. I just planted for the first time, we have tomatoes (doing the best, lots of fruit already), bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, cantalope, cucumber, watermelon, bush beans, black beans, cilantro, radishes, other assorted peppers. They are all doing pretty well, except for the watermelon for some reason (maybe a bad plant? or could be i am still fishless cycling) I am in the mohave desert with low humidity but summer temps around 115 - 120.

I am interested to see how your summer squashes do, might try some in the future.

04-11-2013, 08:28 AM
I had decent luck with hot peppers last year but none with tomatoes once summer hit.

04-11-2013, 08:47 AM
Nothing this year, time to go back to Montana for the Summer - maybe next year :crosses fingers, eyes, and toes:

04-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Enjoy the cool summer.

04-12-2013, 06:58 AM
Enjoy the cool summer.
I love Summers in MT .... no humidity, dry heat, etc. 120F there is like 80F in Tennessee :lol: :lol:

04-12-2013, 07:44 AM
Hey guys,
Just wanted to see what everyone is planning on growing this summer. I am still filling up my GB's with what I can to get started on practicing my green thumb.

Right now in the GB I have Bell Pepper, Banana Pepper, Jalapeno Pepper, Celebrity Tomato, Culantro, Oregano, and Rosemary plants. I am trying to get some seeds started in rockwool, but haven't seen much sporuting. The seeds are Florade (specialty tomato made for the Florida climate) Tomato, Pole and Bush Beans, Summer Squash, Okra, Boston Cucumbers, Basil, and Cilantro.

I live in Tampa, Florida. Our summers tend to have an average high of 90*F (32*C) and the average low is 77*F (25*C) with a nice monthly average rainfall of 7" (which I think is low). Lets just say it's 100% humidity all the time.

Please feel free to post what you are growing and what your growing area is like.

Abe Lincoln Tomatos, Boston Pickling Cukes, cantaloupe, Crimson Sweet Watermelon, squash and radishes at the moment. Will switch to Blue Shaman popcorn and purple hull peas during mid-summer heat.

04-13-2013, 02:49 AM
blue shaman popcorn.....now that sounds like a drop I'd like to try! I'm just getting my system set up so it's all an experiment for me. I'm starting small (and hopefully easy). I'm planning on a couple of kinds of warmer weather lettuces and some kale maybe. We'll see what happens from there.

04-13-2013, 07:19 AM
Conchis, first off welcome to the aquaponic addiction! Your mind will never be the same.

Where abouts are you located?

04-13-2013, 09:06 AM
Hi! I'm in what folks around here call South Georgia, but it's really not. I live near Augusta. So far, I've got a fish pond (had it for years with large goldfish). So that should provide a nice smooth cycle through when I add three (they are in the incubator now) Indian Runner ducks. I'm quackaponicsing it. I have a small grow bed (holds 200 liters of hydroton). I've assembled and tested the old bell siphon (harder than I thought). So, my thinking has already been pretty well adjusted (thought I would lose it making the bell siphon....didn't work, cut pipe, didn't work, more holes, didn't work, then I realized you can't watch it work, you have to put the cap on).....sheeeesh.

06-06-2015, 04:39 PM
I'm in Humble, Tx
I'm growing bell peppers, jalapeņos, Mellon, squash, tomatoes, okra, ans lettuce...Mozambique tilapia I the fish tank.

I wonder, can I grow soy beans?


06-10-2015, 03:52 PM
And cucumber... 4843