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View Full Version : Feeding the fry/fingerlings

08-27-2009, 05:40 PM
Well, my fry are turning into fingerlings, I've got a dozen in a ten gallon (the Marmo's got about half), and the wife inadvertently put some older ones in with the younger ones, so the 20 gallon tank has about 65 or 70 that run anywheres from about 1/2" to 1 1/4" long. I've been feeding some ground 44% protein feed and they have been thriving .... it almost seems as if they grow as you're watching them ...... Today, I took the ones out of the 20 gallon and put them into a 30 gallon tall that I just got ($20) and they seem to like the extra room I've located a 50 gallon ($39), and when I can afford it, I'll put some into that too. Right now, I've got to take some out of the 30 and put them back into the 20, (Now that's been cleaned) and give them all some more breathing room.

Anyways, Since my larger ones are looking so big, I thought, why not try some Guppy Fry? I no sooner put them into the tank, than they were sucked up almost instantaneously -- by both the smaller and the larger fish ....... I figure to give them some fry about twice a week ...... is that overfeeding them on fresh food? :lol: :lol: These feeder Guppies and the duckweed I'm harvesting and freezing will help take the edge off the fish food bill, I believe ;)

That's my big report for the day ............

08-28-2009, 07:08 AM
Live feed works well as it doesn't pollute if it isn't eaten. They love live food until they are around 2.5".

Your tank is overcrouded. Increase water change frequency of use a large sump to add volume. With a system your size, one day every thing is fine, next day floaters. Be sure you have an airstone or two going in addition to strong filtration.

08-28-2009, 11:29 AM
Live feed works well as it doesn't pollute if it isn't eaten. They love live food until they are around 2.5".

Your tank is overcrouded. Increase water change frequency of use a large sump to add volume. With a system your size, one day every thing is fine, next day floaters. Be sure you have an airstone or two going in addition to strong filtration.

Yup, I'm doing that ;). Sunday I'm adding the Cascade 500 for an additional filter. I'm also going to make a sump out of an old 10 gallon tank ...... Today is "winterizing the mobile" day for us ..... did I tell you that I hate fiberglass insulation? :lol: :lol:

08-28-2009, 03:07 PM
Get a 30 gallon tub from Walmart for your sump. You need VOLUME! I ain't kiddin'. These guys can crap up water faster than you can believe. Also be extra carefull not ot overfeed. Once their gut is full it just starts comming out the tail pipe. They don't know when to stop.

08-31-2009, 10:42 PM
Get a 30 gallon tub from Walmart for your sump. You need VOLUME! I ain't kiddin'. These guys can crap up water faster than you can believe. Also be extra carefull not ot overfeed. Once their gut is full it just starts comming out the tail pipe. They don't know when to stop. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I noticed that! I've done some shifting around (lost some due to stress), and I've now got about 20 in the 30 gallon, and the others are being spread out between 2 10 gallons and the 20 gallon .......it's a good thing I have that Cascade, because they crap so much, I was having to vac twice a day ......... :lol: :lol: