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01-20-2013, 07:50 AM
I am using a 55 gal fish tank going into 2 10 gallon grow beds. I was thinking of adding two more but was not sure if it would be to much. I still need to find a grow media most likely going with lava rock or river rock anyone have any opinions on this hydro-ton is not in the budget yet. That is half of why I am waiting to add the next two grow beds. I will attach some photos let me know what you guys think its still a work in progress. But I am ready to start cycling my water as soon as I find a grow media.

01-20-2013, 11:24 AM
Hi swanzyusmc, welcome to the forum... :)

Your grow tubs 'may' stand up to lava rock, but I don't think they can handle the weight of river rock. They will bulge and may even split. Not something you want to come home to... :cry:
If they become an issue, Home depot has mixing tubs in the section where they sell cement. They have 2 sizes of tubs, the smaller one may fit on your stand.

I see your drains are tied to a common header. If your trying to do bell siphons, you may find out.... if one tub is draining, the 2nd may not be able to start, till the 1st is finished.
If that happens, and your not happy with it....make each tub, have it's own drain. Just remove the 'tee' and replace it with a 90. Both tubs need a horizontal pipe about a foot long, and a second 90 pointing towards the fish tank.
The 2 90's, create a little back pressure and helps the siphon to start easier.

Good luck and keep us posted.. :D

01-20-2013, 12:19 PM
Thank you for the input. I am doing a timed flood drain cycle so staying away from the bell siphon for now. Just looked up those mixing tubs are the same size as the tubs I have so will fit. I heard lava rock is a good media because its porous and helps with bacteria build up. When I plant in the lava rock do I need net cups? I have not seen much information on that side of it. I was thinking goldfish or cichlids for the tank. Would love to to something I could actually eat but I think the 55 gal tank is a bit small for that. I drilled holes in the lower part of the stand pipes so the tubs will drain when the pump is off. Pretty sure I have everything covered but time will tell.

01-20-2013, 12:42 PM
Your right, lava rock works pretty well. The stuff that normally comes in the bag at the home improvement store, is on the chunky side. So your idea of using net pots, may work well.

I helped my buddy build media beds (with those mixing tubs) We added mostly lava, then topped them off with river rock.
The river rock is a lot easier on the hands. Plus, since it's a little smaller, we have planted seeds directly into the media.

Don't forget to get a test kit. Lots of folks use an API freshwater test kit. It's best to test the water at the very beginning. That way you can keep track of the changes as the water cycles.... :)

01-20-2013, 01:20 PM
Just ordered that test kit on amazon for 17.97 with shipping. I will be testing the water before adding any fish or plants.

01-20-2013, 05:35 PM
The API test kit works well. Just make sure you don't drop the test tubes on anything like stone or concrete. They will break, trust me!

The lava rock will work. I've got it on the bottom half of my grow bed with river rock on top. Just be sure to rinse it and then rinse it and then rinse it again! I got a fine reddish sediment out of mine for a few weeks. It would settle quickly but I'll take the time to wash it better next time I use it.

When you do get ready to start cycling, get some water or used filter pads from a friend that has an aquarium. Add the water to your system. If you get some pads, place them in a clean container with room temp, non chlorinated water for a few days and then add the water to your system. This is basically a bacteria starter system.

Good luck and keep us posted!

01-21-2013, 08:36 PM
My setup is over carpet scary yes but at least I will not break my test kit. Setup my lava rock and 2 inches of river rock for the top in one grow bed. Found that my bulk head leaks for my stand pipe. I tested both grow beds for leaks before adding the rock and had no leaks. My guess is the weight from the rocks stressed the silicon joint. I have 3/4 inch pipe for my drains any suggestions? I found conduit fittings that screw on both sides that might work with washers. What is everyone else using for this?

01-22-2013, 06:03 AM
I'd use a 'real' bulkhead since your doing it in a finished area (carpet)... :roll:

Aquatic-eco sells 'economy' bulkheads.
http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories ... gs-Economy (http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/2985/Bulkhead-Fittings-Economy)

US Plastics also sells them. Sorry, I don't have a link handy. I think they are a little cheaper there.

They have a pretty good size lip on them. So even if you hand cut the hole, you still have some 'fudge factor'.

Some might suggest uni-seals. They do work. But, I think the economy bulkheads are a little better.
The economy bulkheads are only slightly more in cost, as the same size uni-seal.
Since you already have a hole in your tub(s), it may not be sized for a uni-seal.
The hole needs to be exact for the uni-seal to work well. Again, with the bulkhead, you have a little fudge factor.

Hope it works out for you... :)

Roger R.
01-23-2013, 07:07 AM
Yep the plastic totes will buldge out with the weight of the media and water but if you put some sort of frame around them at the midpoint that will solve the problem. I just made 2x4 frames that are supported with 2x4 "feet" to hold them at the correct height. There are two of them around the tote I used for the fish tank.
Your system is much nicer looking than mine so maybe some sanding and finish on the frames, and use some decorative angles on the corners instead of nails?

My grow bed is mostly lava rock with about 3" of river rock on top.

As you've discovered silicone does not work well with the plastic totes. I had the same problem. You could try removing the silicone and sealing your bulkheads with 3M 5200 marine sealant. It takes a few days to fully cure but it worked in my case. I used it for all the bulkheads in the fishtank, filter and growbed.


01-23-2013, 02:35 PM
I ended up picking up some real bulkheads at my local plumbing supply shop. I will post a picture of them later the sales guy told me not to use a sealant with them. I might have to look into some structural support for the tots. Mine are half the height of yours so they might be ok. I have one cycling with just water to test everything out no leaks so far. I am planing on putting trim on everything at some point but holding off for now to use the cash on other supplies.

Your setup looks good is the fish tank just a sump tank?

link to the bulkhead I am using.
http://www.fleetfarm.com/detail/norwesc ... nAodrD8ACA (http://www.fleetfarm.com/detail/norwesco-bulkhead-fitting-3-4-in/0000000026782?utm_source=googleps&utm_medium=shopping%2Bsearch&utm_campaign=google%2Bproduct%20search&gclid=CInNypy3_7QCFQ45nAodrD8ACA)

Roger R.
01-23-2013, 03:48 PM
Your setup looks good is the fish tank just a sump tank?

Yep. I just got it started in October.
Hello from central Illinois (http://www.diyaquaponics.com/forum/showthread.php?1538-Hello-from-central-Illinois)

01-23-2013, 04:09 PM
Nice setup. Now I am thinking about how to add a swirl filter. Thinking my tots will be ok the are 10 gal. and about 10 inches high. I had media and water in them and they didn't give. I will be upgrading them in time.