View Full Version : I'm baaaaack!

11-25-2012, 06:48 PM
My goodness for some time now I as not able to get into DIY.

It all started when I had a computer HD crash.

When I upgraded to win7 I tried to log in and couldn't. I tried and tried to use contact info but no email. When I tried to contact site admin and webmaster it kept giving error and so I thought about re registering but never got to it.

then just the other day I got an email from the admin and finally after a long Hiatus I am finally back in communication with DIY.

I just shut down my barrelponic unit. When I drained the fish tank (40gal) I had 70 tilapia half edible size the rest ranged in size from 4 inches to 6inches. they were great tasting even the little ones. It was like eating bluegill.

I will be on furlough in the States for 10 months or so and when we return I will set up an IBC unit with bell siphons (Flood and Drain), with white 3/4inch stones and a 1000liter tank.

I discovered that if the fish are under 4 inches I could stock as much as 1 fish per US gallon. But the best was 1 fish for every three US Gallons. I could not use purina aquachow or commercial food for fish pond (aquaculture) because it caused to much algae growth. The formula is designed to increase pH to promote algae as a supplement for pond fish.

But with the high pH the nitrites and nitrates would not produce. I am now using regular red and green aquarium food large bite size floating pellets. A bit more expensive. But if I can import one pallet of 27-5 US gal pails from china it is really cheap then.

Once I got down to 6.5-6.8 the nitrites and nitrates returned to normal and everything went well 12' tomatoes with up to 30 pieces of tomatoes on each one, chili plants that produced hundreds of chili, also i as able to grow Celery for over a year it just kept reproducing. I also had what we call "Tawa Tawa" it is a herbal plant good to cure Dengue Fever.

Anyway, it is good to be back I hope to get you updated when I return on our system.

11-26-2012, 05:41 AM
Welcome back aquaarche... 8-)

11-26-2012, 09:31 AM
Glad I could get you back on...send photos :mrgreen: