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11-18-2012, 10:52 PM
So I wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured I'd get some advice on a design I came up with.

So basically the bottom tub is a 100gal tub that I plan to throw some tilapia in. It's then going to be pumped up into that T and then flow into some 4" sewer piping that's going to house some strawberries or something like that. As it flows through that it's going to drain into the grow bed (20gal each). The grow bed is going to house some lettuce, maybe some broccoli and/or tomatoes. Then as it fills up there's a bell siphon to suck it all back into the fish tub. I'm not sure on exact details of how much flow and what the fill drain times on the grow beds will be, but I do know the pump will constantly be pumping. Any feedback would be good because I'm not even sure if this will be successful, I just figured it looked pretty sweet and seemed like a decent idea. Thanks guys.
This was copied from my introduction thread. I've now realized that I have to incorporate some sort of filter in order to keep my strawberry nft's clear of fish poo. I'll be coming up with another design soon and hopefully that will solve part of the problem. Again looking for any feedback, thanks guys.

11-19-2012, 06:39 AM

My suggestion is redesign it in a way that your NFT is after the grow bed and let your grow bed media be your filter.

nice use of vertical space.


11-19-2012, 08:35 AM
You can lower the pipes to about the same level as the grow beds. Add enough piping between the pipes and the grow beds so that when the grow bed fills and empties so does the pipe. The grow bed may act as your filter. Ideally, you want the water to come in from a "middle level" from the grow bed to the pipe so that any "stuff" can settle at the bottom and the energy the water has is ONLY the potential energy from gravity. That means it won't pick up any (hopefully) solids and just leave them in the grow bed.

I would also join the space between the 2 grow beds to make 1 larger one.

A picture is worth 1000 words; so, if that doesn't make sense I can expand on it or try to draw a caveman picture for you in MS paint.

11-19-2012, 09:41 AM
In order to have the water filtered before going into the nft's....
How about....have a third tub, just like the one you were thinking about using for the grow beds.

-Some how support it under the media beds, and above the fish tank. (supports from the legs)

- It's just there to recive the discharge water from the media beds. (no media in it)

-Then install uniseals/bulkheads in the reciver tub and have the water exit
where it has to flow through the nft's.

-The nft's would drain back into the fish tank.

The nft's, would of course be a little lower then where they are in the drawing. Perhaps they could be secured to the legs.

The 'reciever tub' should never overflow, even 'if' both media tubs happened to drain at the same time.
Because the actual water volume of the 2 media tubs together, would be less, due to the displacement factor.
"Just in case"....You could easily add a 'high point drain' to the reciever tub, that drains straight into the fish tank. Then you'd be sure, that it never overflows.

The water flow wouldn't be 'constant' through the nft's, but there may be water in them all the time, depending on how they are built.
The flow would be often enough, where oxygen in the nft's water, wouldn't be an issue.

You'd be getting some extra aireation when the water went into the 'reciever tub' and then again when the nft's drained/splashed into the FT.

note: I've used several of the mixing tubs. I use 1/2 inch stand pipes for the bell siphons. They drain well with that size.

11-19-2012, 09:47 PM
You can lower the pipes to about the same level as the grow beds. Add enough piping between the pipes and the grow beds so that when the grow bed fills and empties so does the pipe. The grow bed may act as your filter. Ideally, you want the water to come in from a "middle level" from the grow bed to the pipe so that any "stuff" can settle at the bottom and the energy the water has is ONLY the potential energy from gravity. That means it won't pick up any (hopefully) solids and just leave them in the grow bed.

I would also join the space between the 2 grow beds to make 1 larger one.

A picture is worth 1000 words; so, if that doesn't make sense I can expand on it or try to draw a caveman picture for you in MS paint.

So as far as the entrance to the grow beds, should I just add a hose and sort of dig it so that it sits at towards the bottom of the grow bed? I was thinking about making the entire top 1 big grow bed, but I figured I was just separating my plants just to make it more organized for me. A caveman picture wouldn't hurt as it could spark more ideas into my head as I see them.

In order to have the water filtered before going into the nft's....
How about....have a third tub, just like the one you were thinking about using for the grow beds.

-Some how support it under the media beds, and above the fish tank. (supports from the legs)

- It's just there to recive the discharge water from the media beds. (no media in it)

-Then install uniseals/bulkheads in the reciver tub and have the water exit
where it has to flow through the nft's.

-The nft's would drain back into the fish tank.

The nft's, would of course be a little lower then where they are in the drawing. Perhaps they could be secured to the legs.

The 'reciever tub' should never overflow, even 'if' both media tubs happened to drain at the same time.
Because the actual water volume of the 2 media tubs together, would be less, due to the displacement factor.
"Just in case"....You could easily add a 'high point drain' to the reciever tub, that drains straight into the fish tank. Then you'd be sure, that it never overflows.

The water flow wouldn't be 'constant' through the nft's, but there may be water in them all the time, depending on how they are built.
The flow would be often enough, where oxygen in the nft's water, wouldn't be an issue.

You'd be getting some extra aireation when the water went into the 'reciever tub' and then again when the nft's drained/splashed into the FT.

note: I've used several of the mixing tubs. I use 1/2 inch stand pipes for the bell siphons. They drain well with that size.
This sounds like an interesting idea that I didn't think of. After you mentioned a swirl filter in my other thread I was looking into how those work and how they were designed. I was thinking almost keeping my design now with minimal changes, but with a swirl filter before the nft's, right before the T fitting going to them. Wasn't quite sure how I was going to implement it yet, but this seems like it might be easier and maybe even better to do anyways. I was also thinking about adding some airstones in the nft's themselves in order to aerate the water and make sure it's super aerated. Just little things here and there to help the whole system. I know quite a bit about raising fish, but nearly nothing about plants other than what I learned in high school biology so I'm trying to learn more about that aspect.

11-19-2012, 09:59 PM
Personally, I would add some diagonal supports between your growbed legs and the growbed bottom boards. With all the top heavy weight, your current design could get a little shaky and possible be accidentally pushed over from the side. Also, I would extend the growbed legs all the way to the ground instead of putting all the upper weight on the sides of the fishtank. This could also allow you to slide the fishtank out from time to time to clean easier, no need to empty the growbeds to clean the fishtank. Also, not sure of the size and weight that you will have in your growbeds, but I would also turn the bottom boards of the growbed on end, instead of on their side. They will hold a lot more weight this way and not sag in the middle as bad.

Excellent use of floorspace.

Welcome to the club.

11-19-2012, 11:07 PM
I can see your point with the stability, and thankful that you made it. I don't think I'll be able to move that fish tank unless I put wheels on it...even though it won't ever be filled up to the 100 gallon point, even at 80 gallons it's still gonna be roughly 640lbs + whatever the tub itself is gonna weigh. I offset the grow beds on the boards to kind of counter attack that sag issue and give a good amount of the weight to the posts themselves. David said he used the same tubs and with the media they were close to 230lbs. All good points and I'm not expert in engineering so thank you for those tips.

11-21-2012, 01:24 AM
Ok so redid it a little bit...this program is such a pain sometimes. Basically the same setup, but grow beds before nfts. I'm going to make another one with your idea of the 3rd tub tomorrow David.



11-21-2012, 10:05 AM
looking good :-)

11-21-2012, 09:23 PM
WoW.... mad skills!

11-22-2012, 06:35 PM
Looking very solid now. Should not have a sag issue now either, with the braces underneath the growbed supports. What I meant about sliding the fishtank out to clean, I was meaning emptying it, or at least almost empty. Depending on your fish and efficiency of your system, you may never need to clean it. But having the option is kinda nice.

If you used 4x4 post instead of 2x4, and since you have braced underneath the growbed supports, you might be able to get away with three growbeds. No use in wasting all that precious real estate there in the middle.

We look forward to some pictures or video of your progress.

11-22-2012, 08:44 PM
I'm not even sure why 4x4 posts didn't even cross my mind lol. And this is why I joined this forum, so I can learn more about it and have people give me things I didn't even think about. As for adding another grow bed, I guess I never really wanted to because I was thinking I'd let some sunlight go into the fish tank since the fish need some too. I mean I guess it could sneak in through the sides, but that's why I hadn't added one or just a big solid one across.

11-23-2012, 04:59 AM
The fish don't require much light, Keeping the light out of your fish tank is more important. It keeps the algea from growing.
Remember algea adds oxygen durring the daylight and uses it at night. In the summer, your water is warm, you'll have less oxygen in the water.

One big bed...your FT water will go up and down more, all the time.

Lots of things you can do...I started with a basic set up and kept adding... ;)
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_basicframe-1.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=basicframe-1.jpg)

Long sides are 2 boards laminated and screwed for strength
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_gb4.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=gb4.jpg)

Note the braces at the end of the rack.( both ends) It supports the sides of the tub.
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_growbedsetuppardeeps-1.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=growbedsetuppardeeps-1.jpg)

Tub in the middle is a 'raft'...each end is a media with a bell
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_sahibbasicsetup-1.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=sahibbasicsetup-1.jpg)

Added towers here
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_sahibDavid-Hart-next-to-Backyard-Harthybrid-System-with-Sahib-Sandwich-Towers-hung.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=sahibDavid-Hart-next-to-Backyard-Harthybrid-System-with-Sahib-Sandwich-Towers-hung.jpg)

Adding nft
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_ZerolotsystemSahibsAquaponics.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=ZerolotsystemSahibsAquaponics.jpg)

Added bird netting to keep squirels out, and a shallow side tub for a raft, in which I started my lettuces. It's now full of river rock with water flowing through and water cress growing in it
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/th_ZerolotsystemSahibsAquaponics1.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/ad157/davidstcldfl/?action=view&current=ZerolotsystemSahibsAquaponics1.jpg)

Decisions, decisions.... :? .... :lol:

02-26-2013, 05:10 PM
any updates?