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View Full Version : A cucumber ate my bell siphon!

10-23-2012, 11:41 AM
I noticed the bell siphon on one of my growbeds was not kicking in properly. I assumed roots had clogged the intake, but when I went to clear the siphon, I discovered a HUGE pickling cucumber had grown down inside the gravel guard and had wedged the bell against the opposite side of the gravel guard and had grown to the extent it was blocking at least a third of the inflow! I couldn't budge either the bell or the cuke!

When skillfulness and ingenuity fail, I resort to brute force and ignorance! An artfully wielded kitchen knife was required to set things aright. I am having mangled cucumber for lunch! All's well that ends well! :)


10-23-2012, 12:38 PM

10-23-2012, 12:46 PM
I wouldn't normally let a cuke grow that big. Heck, look at the second pic! It was bigger in diameter than the coffee cup next to it! And that's a dinner plate too - not a salad plate it's sitting on! But you know what? It was still excellent tasting when devloured sliced! No bitterness at all! Like i said in a different post, I'm no longer even gonna plant slicers! It's all picklers all the time for me from here on out! 8-)

10-24-2012, 01:27 AM
I guess you could almost say you were "IN A PICKLE".. :mrgreen:

10-24-2012, 05:41 AM
The title of your thread reminds me of some of the old Sci-fi movies.... :D

But you know what? It was still excellent tasting when devloured sliced! No bitterness at all!
I've also noticed that large okra pods in AP, are not as tough, as the same size ones grown in a dirt garden.