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View Full Version : My leave of absence is over.

02-04-2012, 11:04 AM
I'm back. I had a personal tregedy that I needed to deal with. I won't discuss it here, but I needed to tend to first things first. Just waiting for spring so I can rebuild. Hurricane Irene did a number on my setup, so I have my work cut out for me.

02-04-2012, 02:45 PM
Welcome back sir. You have been missed.

02-04-2012, 05:08 PM
Yes, like UF said.... you've been missed.
Welcome back Badflash.... :D

02-04-2012, 05:27 PM
glad you're back, hope all is well

02-04-2012, 06:38 PM
Welcome back!

02-04-2012, 06:46 PM
Wow, sorry to hear the bad news.

02-04-2012, 06:52 PM
Glad to see you're back. We definitely need your help in the control of all the spam and rampant URL postings we've seen in the last month. Of course that's not the only reason....you complete the team that holds the bearings of this forum's course on the sea of enlightenment...OK, I think I got off course a little there...Welcome back Jack, glad to have you home. :mrgreen:

02-15-2012, 02:26 PM
when your ready hollar ... i'll be there to help you out..

03-24-2013, 06:07 PM
If it isn't one thing, its another, but everything happens for a reason.

My personal tragedy was that my wife left me. We have since divorced. Shortly after my last post here I was diagnosed with Leukemia (CLL). That really took the wind out of my sails. Talk about life changing situations. I gave notice at work and retired in February. I am treating the CLL naturally, without drugs or chemo and after 6 months my blood test should almost normal.

I found a new gal, bought a 9 acre farm in Upstate NY, about 20 miles south of Albany, and am in the process of selling my old house, and getting the farm ready for a better greenhouse.

I have an awsome fish room in the new place and have all my breeders in there for now. One of my white niles is holding. I'll post some pictures shortly.

03-24-2013, 07:09 PM
If it isn't one thing, its another, but everything happens for a reason.

My personal tragedy was that my wife left me. We have since divorced. Shortly after my last post here I was diagnosed with Leukemia (CLL). That really took the wind out of my sails. Talk about life changing situations. I gave notice at work and retired in February. I am treating the CLL naturally, without drugs or chemo and after 6 months my blood test should almost normal.

I found a new gal, bought a 9 acre farm in Upstate NY, about 20 miles south of Albany, and am in the process of selling my old house, and getting the farm ready for a better greenhouse.

I have an awsome fish room in the new place and have all my breeders in there for now. One of my white niles is holding. I'll post some pictures shortly.

Wow. When it rains, it pours! Glad you have regrouped and hope the turn for the better continues! Welcome back!

03-24-2013, 08:20 PM
Hi badflash, welcome back ... :D
Wow, glad to hear things are going better now... :)
Looking forward to hearing about and seeing some pictures of your new place and set up... ;)

03-24-2013, 09:15 PM
Hey Badflash, I said it once so it definately bears repeating:-

you complete the team that holds the bearings of this forum's course on the sea of enlightenment...OK, I think I got off course a little there...Welcome back Jack, glad to have you home.

You know how I feel. You had me worried there for awhile....OH yes and Jackalope has graced our pages recently after a long absence.

If you need anything or if I can help in anyway, let me know :mrgreen:

03-24-2013, 09:21 PM
Right now its like the old joke of playing a country mustic song backwords...

Got a better dog, got a better wife, got a better car, got a better house...

Yea Haw!

03-31-2013, 05:46 PM
A little setback. I am curenly is St. Pauls Hospital in Albany. I'd been dealing with an ear ache for about 10 days, Had 2 different antibiotics that didn't help. Friday the right side of my face stopped working. Chris (my significan oither) thought that I was having a stroke and carted me off to the emergancy room for a night of entertainment.

The best guess is ramsay hunt syndrome, which is basically shingles in the inner ear that effects the facial nerve. I've been hooked up to an IV since late friday night and they are shooting me full of steriods and antibiotics and antiviral drugs, I may be here to the end of the week,

Thank god I have a good partner than can take care of my critters!

Anyway, on the good side I'll have loads of time to catch up on the forum. Looks like most of the old gang is still here.

03-31-2013, 06:25 PM
A little setback. I am curenly is St. Pauls Hospital in Albany. I'd been dealing with an ear ache for about 10 days, Had 2 different antibiotics that didn't help. Friday the right side of my face stopped working. Chris (my significan oither) thought that I was having a stroke and carted me off to the emergancy room for a night of entertainment.

The best guess is ramsay hunt syndrome, which is basically shingles in the inner ear that effects the facial nerve. I've been hooked up to an IV since late friday night and they are shooting me full of steriods and antibiotics and antiviral drugs, I may be here to the end of the week,

Thank god I have a good partner than can take care of my critters!

Anyway, on the good side I'll have loads of time to catch up on the forum. Looks like most of the old gang is still here.

Damn! When it rains, it pours! Hope you are back on your feet soon!

04-01-2013, 05:19 AM
Wow, sure hope your well soon .... :)

David - WI
04-01-2013, 05:42 AM
A little setback. I am curenly is St. Pauls Hospital in Albany. I'd been dealing with an ear ache for about 10 days, Had 2 different antibiotics that didn't help. Friday the right side of my face stopped working. Chris (my significan oither) thought that I was having a stroke and carted me off to the emergancy room for a night of entertainment.

The best guess is ramsay hunt syndrome, which is basically shingles in the inner ear that effects the facial nerve. I've been hooked up to an IV since late friday night and they are shooting me full of steriods and antibiotics and antiviral drugs, I may be here to the end of the week,

That's a bitch, I had the same thing about 20 years ago.

Aloha Don
04-01-2013, 01:01 PM
They hooked you to an IV.... YOU are now part of an aquaponics drip system....Where did they put the fish?

I hope you get better soon.

04-01-2013, 07:49 PM
Thanks all!

04-18-2013, 07:57 AM
Hi Jack, Hope you're doing better (I just found this thread) :mrgreen: ..... just about the time you get back and get healthy, I'm leaving for Montana again, and I won't be able to help out here much becuz of lack of I-net :lol: .....later .......