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View Full Version : inadequate lighting?

01-08-2012, 05:44 PM
My basil plants always grow tall fast but not very leafy. I keep having to raise my light so the plants wont be touching it. I think I probaly need a grow light but I was wondering if there might be other causes or if anybody could tell me what the specs on a grow light should be. Thank you for any help.

01-08-2012, 06:15 PM
the light is a f15/t8 18" natural daylight and that's why i am asking in a new thread because from what I have read on other threads it sounds like it is pretty much the same as what everybody else is using

01-09-2012, 02:23 AM
it needs more light

01-09-2012, 01:43 PM
Start by opening the blinds....And a lot more light.
Lower them down closer to the window.
Good Luck

01-09-2012, 04:42 PM
This is Washington :lol: its always pretty overcast until spring. Any suggestions on what would give more/better light? I saw a light at ACE that was a fluorescent 18" I think it's made by GE and it is labeled grow light. Would that be likely to do I do have to get REALLY creative?

01-10-2012, 05:22 AM
I grew up in Port Angeles.
It's not the fixture that makes it a 'grow' light, it's the wave lengths and color of the light.
A grow bulb will work, but consider a two bulb set up or even a four. I ran an 80 gallon reef tank off of 4, 4 ft grow bulbs for awhile. Not the best, but it worked. Look into T5's when the budget will allow. Keep the lights closer to the plants, as light intensity falls off quickly. Consider putting growbed outside the window during the warmer part of the year, and let the sun be your lighting. Nylon tubing is cheaper than fixtures, and as long as you aren't going long distances with it, pumps aren't bad. Just connect the tubing to the pump, and recirculate it.
Good luck.

01-10-2012, 06:57 AM
i'm using t8 shop lights (32watt) with a mix of warm and cool bulbs, and haven't had "leggy" veggies.. i do adjust the height of the lights above the gb - i have 3 pairs of lights over 1 pair of growbeds - a barrel cut in half
someone sold me an aquarium light fixture for 5 bucks, it was very bright but i broke the bulb when moving it.. after searching for a replacement bulb, i know why it was so cheap, i can't find one anywhere,, it's kind of a weird bulb, a little bigger than a t5 (a t5 barely slides right in), the pins are the size of a t8, and it's 45" long (about 45.75" pin end to pin end)
all i can read on the bulb itself is 54watt full spectrum..i've checked aquarium shops, hardware stores, and lighting stores..i ordered one online that the pic looked the same, but it was a regular t5 and it wouldn't work...
anyone looking for a cheap fixture? lol

01-10-2012, 08:59 AM
Ok thanks for the help and moving it outside is the plan just gotta get through winter :-) I'm thinking maybe a longer GB maybe full tank length or just past full length I will buy another fixture or two and grow till I'm Content.... Neighbors came over and asked in the nicest way possible "are you growing weed up there?... We don't think you would just thought you probably have a reasonable explanation"

01-10-2012, 10:15 AM
keith, try a retrofit kit. Your light is good, just crappy caps. Retrofit kit should fix it just fine and that would allow you to change to whatever you want.

01-10-2012, 12:26 PM
i couldn't find anything on the fixture itself.. i'll probalby pull it apart to see if there's anything in it to identify it..