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View Full Version : Cheap safe algae filter/catcher

01-06-2012, 11:54 PM
hey guys I am back :D and this time I am not asking for help I am hoping that I might be able to finally help you guys :D so the filter works as so you have 2 containers a smaller one and a bigger one. For the smaller container I would suggest one of the pots they use for aquatic plants the ones with millions of tiny holes because they work the best but if you are cheap (like me) a Tupperware container with a bunch of tiny holes in the bottom works fine as long as you have aquarium floss on the bottom so the sand doesn't drain out with the water. Your smaller container needs to fit in the bigger container without touching the sides. for the bigger container either add a piece of pipe to direct the flow back to the tank or just drill holes in the bottom and let it drain. it is very important that the water doesn't build up AT ALL in the bigger container because it becomes WAY less effective a good trick to make sure this doesn't happen is to put good sized rocks in the bottom and set the smaller container on top of them. Now the smaller container will be filled with sand I suggest bigger sand that feels pretty round and on top of the sand you should have your aquarium floss. The floss works by trapping bigger piece of algae or whatever and the sand traps the rest. You never HAVE to clean the sand but you DO have to wash the floss out when the algae builds up in it. Now if this doesn’t seem to change anything after 24-48 hours try rinsing the sand in a 5 gallon bucket and the amount of algae that comes out will surprise you.

I have to thank Blue Sierra Exotic fish in Issaquah, WA because I looked all over for help and they are the only people that had any idea safe AP if you go there mention me please