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View Full Version : Hi from Birmingham England

11-09-2011, 05:26 AM
Hi everyone.

I'm from the UK and am new to aquaponics. I wanted a place with gathered intel so that I could sound out issues and get the info required to build my own back garden aquaponics set-up.

I'm thinking of a single pump ebb and flow system growing rainbow trout or carp with a second tank containing crayfish or fresh water shrimp.

11-09-2011, 07:11 AM
sounds doable.. for trout, they need very good water conditions, lots of aeration, and cool temps.. koi are a bit more forgiving..
many crayfish will grow in an ap, but most need lots of room or plenty of hides, or they'll just kill each other off.. i went through a few dozen crayfish last year, only 2 made it, but i think a few were eaten by fish as well..
i'm trying to breed crayfish in a standalone tank, as fodder for my yellow perch and bluegill

12-02-2011, 08:02 PM
Greetings Earthling, and welcome to the addiction! :mrgreen: