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View Full Version : GaryD's 4 Tank System

06-13-2009, 04:32 PM

Here's my 4 tank Aquaponics system. It's the product of over three years of experimentation using a variety of system configurations and components.

It comprises four fish tanks (2 x 950 litres and 2 x 1250 litres) each of which is fitted with a 235 litre overhead bio-filter arrangement.....which also serves as a small grow bed. Three of the tanks are connected to a 585 litre expanded clay grow bed. The fourth tank features a 585 litre duckweed tank.

The flood and drain cycle on our grow beds is controlled by auto-syphons. We grow Jade perch, Murray cod and Barramundi.......all Australian natives.

Currently, we eat fish that we've grown about once a week.


06-13-2009, 09:45 PM
Looking very good GaryD I only wish I could have such a nice system (one of these days), but I'm a Redneck so almost everything I do comes from Redneckin ......... Kinda like the one guy (fishfood?) says ...... if it's free ..... pick it up!

06-14-2009, 11:56 AM
That is such a clean and elegant design! Does the duck weed bed provide for good filteration?