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View Full Version : Microbiology, FREE course

10-07-2011, 04:34 PM
Does anyone wants to take it with me? http://ocw.tufts.edu/Course/2/Coursehome

Mechanisms of Microbial Diseases (3rd edition) by Schaechter, Medoff and Eisenstein, Williams and Wilkins Press.

The book only cost $4 including shipping. I can send the link.

I plan to go slowly through the material.

10-08-2011, 08:16 AM
If you find one on doing genetic testing I'll be right with you.

10-08-2011, 03:34 PM
I'm actually am really interested. I have a microscope and a laminar flow hood.....my other hobbies include growing mushrooms :lol:

My ex in college took a course like this...for a project they had to collect E.coli samples from their rectum.... :? ...and culture it to petris. There was something they added to the mix that when under UV light E.coli would floures. Then by taking subsamples and culturing to petris with different antibiotics...then subculturing to more antibiotic agar...they eventually subcultured an e.coli that was antibiotic resistant which was compared to a sample taken from the local sewer treatment plant....which was also found to be antibiotic resistant.

I was always fascinated by how easy it was to culture antibiotic resistant bacteria in your dorm or house. Anyone really could do it.

10-08-2011, 04:20 PM
Funny you mentioned antibiotics and resistant bacteria....I saw this ealier today.
China has 'seen the light'...

China to ban antibiotics as growth promoters
http://www.wattagnet.com/default.aspx?p ... gType=1033 (http://www.wattagnet.com/default.aspx?pageid=26153&id=26109&LangType=1033)

....Estimated 400,000 tons of antibiotics produced annually...
Good lord, I'm trying to picture, how many antibiotic pills it takes to make a 'pound' ?...but 'tons'...!...????

10-08-2011, 05:06 PM
at 250mg per capsule...4=1G...28x4=1lb=112 capusles....112x2000...224000 capsules per ton.... :shock:

10-08-2011, 06:28 PM
:lol: ....thanks MurCurY..... :lol: ....I sure would of 'guessed' alot more then 112 pills in a pound.

EDIT: rembering back in the 'party days'... :? :lol: ...there are just over 28 grams in an 'OZ", not a 'PD'.

28.4 g x 4 pills per gram = 113.6 pills per oz
113.6 pills x 16 oz= 1,817.6 pills per pd
1817.6 (pills per pd) x 2000 pds= 3,635,200 per ton..... times 400,000 tons... :shock:

10-09-2011, 03:53 AM
Dang....missed a number in there....

10-09-2011, 04:28 AM
I tried doing some math a few weeks ago, on one of the threads here...I was 'way' off... :lol: Urban Farmer had my back on that one... :D

10-09-2011, 06:57 AM
here's the terrible part....I spray pesticides at the farm...i'm in charge of that whole gig.
I do complicated math on a daily basis! :roll: