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09-24-2011, 11:25 AM
So...don't laugh...but I live in a 4 room cabin....and I plan on keeping several fish here....How...crazy space management.

I use alot of "...." when I write...get used to it :grin:

So..here it is...my setup....

I currently have "GloFish" in a 50 gallon tank....I'm working on getting the proper paperwork so I can legally have tilapia :roll:
So, With the tank I have a 200Watt heater, a Fluval 405 rated for a 100 gallon tank, a 3' air bar, live plants for aesthetics...

I've been a firm believer in "plants and fish" for years. Never occurred to me to grow fish I could eat...and plants I could eat...this is awesome!...so...Upon learning about Tilapia and aquaculture, I decided to change around a few things...I'm ditching the glofish...they don't even glow!...and I'm picking up a supermale set...Now...the set comes with a breeding set of "regular" fish...so...need another tank...no problem!....craigslist....monday I'm picking up a 40 gallon with stand, filter, additional fluval filter, light, food...everything...for $60 8-)

I forsee this becoming an episode of "Horders"....

09-24-2011, 11:49 AM
So...don't laugh...but I live in a 4 room cabin
Now a days...that's no laughing matter. Lot's of folk's wish they had a place to live.. :(

Gald to hear you've figured out a way to make room for AP... :D
Pictures....don't forget pictures... :P

09-24-2011, 12:12 PM
almost forgot![attachment=0:1e7ue0q9]2011-09-24_14-29-22_656.jpg[/attachment:1e7ue0q9]

09-24-2011, 01:06 PM
I realize it gets cold up there, but you should consider putting at least the plants outdoors. The fish can be indoors. This will keep the temp more stable in your system and give you the good ole sun to power your plants! :-)

09-24-2011, 02:21 PM
I'm going to try to talk my boss into letting me put up a small greenhouse next/attached to my cabin. This way I can move alot of this into there. In the meantime....I have lemon trees and they in no way will survive outside. I have a 1K HPS that I have for my citrus in the winter...this time I'm going to use it to grow other stuff. As of right now I have a 4 bulb T5 for my water hyacinth and duckweed, and a few houseplants. It's in the 40's here at night and lettuce and such will do great. I may pump "wastewater" into a drum and use it in a recirculated system outside or in the greenhouse on the farm...we'll see....

As for ordering fish....I asked the place I was going to order from if they required any type of paperwork to send me fish and they responded with..

At the moment I am not aware of any paperwork I need from either state If you are raising them indoors.

I know otherwise....if i order them what are the chances they will be confiscated in the mail? What are the chances they will even know what kind of fish they are? This may be more of a "moral question".

09-24-2011, 02:28 PM
The USPS does not enforce laws regarding fish... that is the job, at least here, of the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission). They have guns. So, it's best to do as they say.

I'm sure your state has something similar. If they don't have guns, just point and laugh at them when they tell you to do something. Make sure to record it for us here on the forum. :lol:

09-24-2011, 03:15 PM
I asked the local mom/pop fish store who might be in charge of that stuff. They told me it was http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw/....i think they have guns...but i'll laugh anyway and document here for your amusement. I'm going to order...hope it arrives and i'm not out $200....and i'm sure if i order and "get cought"...they'll just not show up. If they're here and I only use the anonimity of the internet to mock the government...can they really do anything...and if they could...using a forum to bust someone for some fish that is marginally illegal....

all in all...i'm ordering....more to follow.....

09-24-2011, 03:42 PM
any thoughts on putting some redclaw in with the tilapia?

09-24-2011, 04:49 PM
any thoughts on putting some redclaw in with the tilapia?
Check: viewforum.php?f=50 (http://diyaquaponics.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=50)

09-24-2011, 06:15 PM
Given the chance, the Redclaw will eat your fish :mrgreen:

09-25-2011, 07:26 AM
upon reading...i find that they do enjoy same conditions as the tilapia...maybe a recirculated system with a tank of these guys....see...horders episode....

09-25-2011, 06:45 PM
So went and picked up a fishtank from craigslist. 39gallon glass with metal stand, lid, hang on filter, fluval under tank filter, couple of nets, a 150 watt heater, food, algae disks,...other stuff....$60! He said it held water last week before he emptied it...we'll see if it still does....as long as it does I'm ordering fish i think next week :mrgreen:

09-25-2011, 06:48 PM
NOT BAD, the metal stand makes it a good deal otherwise you can get all that new for $60, but the stands are usually A SMALL FORTUNE. Congrats and welcome to the addiction! :lol:

09-25-2011, 07:14 PM
the fluval 205 is $50...i think i made out alright...and you are very right. The stands are freaking expensive! So, after I put the IBC in here....I'll be setup till spring. Now...finding a permanent place for this....

09-27-2011, 05:36 PM
is that a radish in your picture?

So I decided on putting the new tank in the bathroom. Will give people something to stare at when their on the throne :lol:
Going to fill it now...let it cycle a few days...order some fish!

09-27-2011, 06:44 PM
is that a radish in your picture?

So I decided on putting the new tank in the bathroom. Will give people something to stare at when their on the throne :lol:
Going to fill it now...let it cycle a few days...order some fish!
YES! :lol:

Haha, that's a great idea.

09-28-2011, 05:08 AM
is that a radish in your picture?

So I decided on putting the new tank in the bathroom. Will give people something to stare at when their on the throne :lol:
Going to fill it now...let it cycle a few days...order some fish!
YES! :lol:

Haha, that's a great idea.
:D ... That's a great idea.....wish my bathroom was bigger !

:lol: ...sure would be easy to start a 'fishless cycle' with human ammonia...
your already in there for that very reason... :lol: :lol:

09-30-2011, 10:03 AM
My bathroom is by no means "big"....but I can get by the tank and get in the shower and sit on the can...what else do you need in the bathroom? :lol:

So...I hurt my back 2 days ago....I was feeling ambitious today and picked up some goldfish and some pH down for the tanks...tap water is around 8....

Last night I went to the pharmacy to pick up some meds for my back....when I got home there was the 50 gallon my boss said she would get from her mother's house sitting on my porch!...i slid it inside. This morning I went to let the cat out...and the stand was sitting on my grass!...so...brought that in...set it up in the living room.

I also had a chance to look over the crap that came with the craigslist tank....the canister filter is missing some parts...so...I asked the fish store guy if he would order them for me. It's just the media cover and a closure clip should be less then $20. I'm going to use the canister on the new tank I just got since I pulled my hang on out of storage and it has a built in heater and is for a 50 gallon...two birds with one stone...I also threw the hang on filter that came with the craigslist tank on for extra circulation...I have to get an airpump for the two new tanks. I threw a cup of duckweed in the goldfish tank....they seem to be eating it pretty readily.

So....the boss's mom's tank...she says it has a leak someplace. I told her it shouldn't be a problem as long as the glass isn't broken anyplace....probably a simple caulking.

What caulk should I use? Any better then another?...and...I'm going to add some water and see if I can find the leak....say I can't find it right away....will a drip leak effect the integrity of the tank?

09-30-2011, 10:06 AM
more pictures

09-30-2011, 10:07 AM
another pic

09-30-2011, 10:10 AM
I'm going to use the pressurized canister and waterfall for my 200 gallon when I get the floor reinforced....The tank w/ the coral background was the one from my boss's mom. Came with the iron stand and clips for a heater...no heater...but that's ok cause the craigslist tank came with heater and no clips

09-30-2011, 11:03 AM
Your safest bet is silicone designed especially for aquariums. Most home stuff has additives in it that are hazardous to the fish.

10-02-2011, 02:45 PM
so last night i half filled it....waited a few hours...no leak....So..I full filled it....
Overnight and no leaks! I bet it was her filter or something leaking :lol:
So I got a 50 Gallon with stand in perfect condition for nada...
I went to the fish store and they had a 120 gallon for $100....I almost bought it....
I had a girl here last night...she's been over a bunch of times before...her comment was....
"It kind of is starting to look like a fish store in here....."
:roll: ....women..... :lol:

So...I figured out that I can cut an IBC to a dimension that will hold approx 200 gallons..290 gallons exactly....but I figured I'd need a Lip so they don't decide to go for a walk.....

So...What am I going to do with the liner I bought?....Use it in the greenhouse! I'm going to have the carpenter build me a frame under the greenhouse bench and line it...then plumb it up onto the bench into some type of grow setup. I'm thinking something kind of like this.... http://homeharvest.com/homeharvest2000pics/GenHydroAeroFlo2-30-200.jpg Plus I found a controller unit that will keep the resevoir for the hydroponic unit at an equal level topping off each time from the tilapia tank sitting next to it.

Thoughts?...fish order this week! I'm hoping the goldfish tank will be ready for tilapia when they get here....

10-02-2011, 02:48 PM
A thought.....Is there such a thing as too much air?...I bought this air pump for my hydroponic setup that puts out 950 gal/hr air. I usually run a whole bunch of extra large air stones off this....I needed an air pump for the goldfish tank so....I rigged it to a 3' bubble wand and it is a complete curtain of bubbles....I'm thinking it may be too much....

10-02-2011, 03:46 PM
A fish store.... :lol: My girlfriend told me I couldn't raise fish in the backyard....My entire backyard became an aquaponics setup...and she moved back to IL... :roll:

The most 'common size' Totes/IBC's in the Orlando area are 275 gallons...I 'think' the next size is 350...?

Anyway, I cut the top's off as high as I could, leaving a lip. I also installed the 1 1/2 inch SLO drain high. My water level is sitting right on the 250 gallon graduation mark.
The tanks are deceptive...If you look at my pictures... see how the tank steps down on top some ? That's where 2 metal bars go across the top. If it weren't for that, I could of gotten a few more gallons.

Wow, your ' air pump' sounds like it puts out as much as a small blower.. :mrgreen: Do you know what brand and model you have ?


10-02-2011, 04:00 PM
Sunleaves Brand DuraPump SDA540. I looked in the catalog and they make a couple larger ones too.

Too funny on the girlfriend :lol:
I pruned the bushes on the back side of my cabin to fit 2 275 ibc's behind them. I'll be able to open my bedroom window and feed :mrgreen:

I see alot of people with these siphon setups....where they draw from one tank into another into another into another filter someplace in the loop...and back to the main tank. What would be the best setup for this? Say I want to put 3 IBC's together off one large bio filter...

10-02-2011, 06:32 PM
I had a girl here last night...she's been over a bunch of times before...her comment was....
"It kind of is starting to look like a fish store in here....."
:roll: ....women..... :lol:


A thought.....Is there such a thing as too much air?...I bought this air pump for my hydroponic setup that puts out 950 gal/hr air. I usually run a whole bunch of extra large air stones off this....I needed an air pump for the goldfish tank so....I rigged it to a 3' bubble wand and it is a complete curtain of bubbles....I'm thinking it may be too much....
Murray has this long and funny story every time someone asks this, but the short version is that if you're not blowing the fish out of the water with your air pump, then it's probably not too much air. ;)

10-05-2011, 08:13 PM

Do you have issues with the algae using those totes outside? Have you seen any issues with dissolved oxygen?

10-06-2011, 06:12 AM

Do you have issues with the algae using those totes outside? Have you seen any issues with dissolved oxygen?
I did make wooden covers with shade cloth stretched over them. I wish the shade cloth was a higher percent shade... :roll:

I keep telling my buddy we need to do something about the 'sides'.... :roll:
The sides are totally covered with algea...and of course, the plastic is being broken down, more everyday too... :(

DO...not bad...(?)
Of course the algae 'uses' DO at night. If I had a DO meter, I'd test at 4 in the afternoon, then at 4 in the morning. Only then, could I give an exact answer.

I'm trying to add DO to the water 'before' it gets to the fish tanks...
Plus, I have enough air going through the DIY air diffusers , that the water is 'rolling' in each tank.
Plus, between 3 ibc's (250 gals each)...there is only 100 adult tilapia.
The 4th ibc, only has a 2 or 3 small cats....so far

10-08-2011, 03:55 PM
Picked up 40 black mossies on my way back home friday!
Ordered some food should be here in a few days. Got to see another setup and I have to get moving to catch up! :shock: ......

So...I know at the younger ages they grow very fast. And mossies breed at a very young age....but how young?

10-09-2011, 07:41 AM
Three months from now those should be breeding age.

The only problem with lots of air is the cost. More air means more gas exchange and more disolved O2. The deeper the air stone is the better for O2 in solution. Some growers actually dig wells and inject the air 100' underground. They have a tube in a tube setup that also doubles the rising water/air mix as a circulating pump. At that depth the water comes out super saturated with oxygen.

10-09-2011, 02:55 PM
How old are these fingerings now?

So in short you're saying there is no such thing as too much air...cost aside.

Picked up a 20 gallon today. Going to get a couple more and a drill bit. No reason I can't use a single filter setup with a few tanks....right?

10-09-2011, 03:53 PM
They are 4 weeks old.

As long as you get enough flow to each tank and the filter is properly sized, no issues. The down side is that if one tank gets sick, they all get sick.

If the fish have trouble controlling their swimming or are cowering in the corner to get out of the turbulence, you should back off.

10-09-2011, 06:12 PM
4 weeks! :shock:

They sure do grow quick. Now that I'm on the bandwagon....Can't wait to get things going good. I picked up a 20 gallon today....going to try drilling it. Going to order a bit and some bulkheads next week. The idea is...I'm going to make a stand with 4 20's against the tv wall.....one of which will have some duckweed.

All this water noise I gotta pee..... :roll:

You said previous you use a net to catch a brooding female. The holes are fine enough the eggs do not fall out...how small of a mesh does that have to be exactly?....standard green fish net? I'm going to add some salt to the water as a disease preventative. I understand that they can live in hypersaline water....however....how low does it have to be in order for them to breed?

10-09-2011, 06:54 PM
The green nets are great but, became too small. i made a great net out of some shade cloth and an old wire coat hanger.

10-09-2011, 08:41 PM
The green mesh will work. I often use 2 nets. I back up a larger course net with a green net. I've never found salt needed. It will kill off most if not all of your plants. Keep the particulates under control and disease won't be an issue.

11-09-2011, 04:55 PM
so...all the fishies survived the blackout! 5.5 days with no electric.
I was borrowing a generator to keep the air and heaters going in the tanks....to hell with the food in my fridge! :lol:

I'm going to be moving some to...yet another tank...is there such a thing as too many? I"m still working on getting the carpenter to build supports under my cabin for in IBC....we'll see if he'll let me dig the hole for the concrete pour this week. They sure do grow fast....

11-09-2011, 05:29 PM
so...all the fishies survived the blackout! 5.5 days with no electric.
I was borrowing a generator to keep the air and heaters going in the tanks....to hell with the food in my fridge! :lol:

I'm going to be moving some to...yet another tank...is there such a thing as too many? I"m still working on getting the carpenter to build supports under my cabin for in IBC....we'll see if he'll let me dig the hole for the concrete pour this week. They sure do grow fast....
I have figured out how to get rid of the pump from the system entirely! :lol: A 0 electricity system! I am still testing it, but I have a side-by-side comparison and SOMEHOW the tomato, lettuce, cukes are all growing noticeably better in there than organic soil. It's still too early to tell of course, but they are BIGGER. :mrgreen:

11-10-2011, 05:45 AM
keeping the water circulating would be the least of my problems....all last week it was around freezing outside..and no heat or electricity. Thank god for generators!

11-10-2011, 08:50 AM
So....i've been watching my fish alot lately. I used to work for quality control for a computer company....I notice small differences amongst large populations of "things". I noticed something a couple weeks ago...but now that they are getting much bigger...it is really noticeable. It appears there are two different phenotypes. One has a spot on it's top fin. The other does not. Anyone else notice this in their fish. These are Mossies.

11-11-2011, 07:06 AM
so....with further reading I found that they call this the "tilapia mark"...and that it goes away as they mature. I need to get a couple of breeding tanks set up and cycling soon me thinks....

12-03-2011, 06:39 PM
I was just feeding my fish....and I noticed one larger fish wasn't eating. So...i tracked her through the tank...and she kept her mouth very closed...caught her with the net and put her in a 20 gallon i started up a few days ago...and the net was full of eggs! SCORE! More then 100 anyway....we'll see if she picks them back up. I guess this is when the tank explosion starts....I'm already up to 3 50 gallon and a 20....going to need a couple more 20s i think....

12-03-2011, 11:05 PM
I was just feeding my fish....and I noticed one larger fish wasn't eating. So...i tracked her through the tank...and she kept her mouth very closed...caught her with the net and put her in a 20 gallon i started up a few days ago...and the net was full of eggs! SCORE! More then 100 anyway....we'll see if she picks them back up. I guess this is when the tank explosion starts....I'm already up to 3 50 gallon and a 20....going to need a couple more 20s i think....

12-04-2011, 04:32 AM
looked this morning...the eggs are still on the bottom of the tank.... :(
Should there be gravel in the birthing tank?

12-04-2011, 11:16 AM
stopped in for lunch...all the eggs are off the bottom ::YAY:: So...I'm expecting a population explosion....time to start building a small greenhouse to house an outdoor above ground pool....heating options? I'm thinking of building a thermostatically controlled heating chamber using a hot water heater and the output on the water filter...using the inlet side as the temp reading....but this is really just an idea at the moment.

12-05-2011, 07:30 AM
I have seen something like this. But the water came from water heater through a coil of tubing in the tank, and then back to the water heater. The water heater water never coming into contact with the fish tank water. But is this cost effective?

12-07-2011, 04:24 AM
....and....she swallowed them....by next month i bet I build an egg tumbler.....

12-07-2011, 06:37 PM
I would of thought she would of needed to pick them up, almost right away for them to survive. Maybe she ate them when she realized they wouldn't hatch ?
Anyone know how long eggs can lay still, without tumbling ?

12-08-2011, 11:52 PM
Have another holding....going to try to build a tumbler today if I can find time to go to the hardware store.

12-09-2011, 07:40 AM
What color are fertilized eggs? These were actually white when she spit them. How long will they sit in the tumbler till they hatch?

12-09-2011, 08:25 AM
In MY experience, white eggs are usually infertile. Watch for fungus on them, easily identified as it looks like fuzzy mold. This can be prevented with a dillouted mix of Methylin blue. Be carefull as this dyes anything it touches, permantly. I am sure there's a lot of other things out there that will protect against fungus/rot but this is what I have used for more than 20 years. I just don't use it at full strength.
My fertilized have always been bright orange...super bright orange globes. I have poor success with tumblers and have found much more consistancy with letting the females hold them till free swimming stage, once they leave momma, I pull her and fatten her up again for the next spawning.

12-09-2011, 08:27 AM
Mind you, this will do nothing for fertilizing them though. That's on the fish to complete. I have not yet had a successfull batch of hand spawning in Tilapia though my efforts are continuing along this path in an effort to increase production.

12-15-2011, 06:30 AM
So...I've been having trouble sleeping in the early morning so I've been up at 4am every day this week....what happens when you're up that early...you start thinking about things that you really shouldn't at that early in the morning......

I caught holding fish #2....and as I dropped her and "her eggs" into the breeding isolation tank.....I realized the eggs were moving about.....they were baby fish!
I'm really only interested in isolating a few females that are ready to spawn...if I get a few new fish out of the deal who am I to complain right? I'm fairly certain she picked up the babies...or...some of them. I'll find out in a few days...some of them could get around the bottom of the tank but couldn't get off the bottom so...should only be a few days now till she spits them out if she is still holding a few. I also have 3 males that are showing nice color. 2 in one tank and 1 in the other. I have my eye on one in particular...he's super fancy looking with nice blue high lights and is larger of the two definate males in the tank.

So now new territory......those of you that hand sex...where might I pick up dye that won't make fish die....I have some sanitizer for brewing....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodophor
ideas on using some of this in possibly a dilute solution?

12-17-2011, 10:52 AM
So...how long from laying eggs do they hatch?....then how many says later do they come out if her mouth?
Also, how often can mozzies spawn?....more often if you strip?

12-25-2011, 04:57 PM

12-30-2011, 06:46 AM
These are variables depending on age, temp, condition and experience of your breeders. It will vary from fish to fish. Use your big male for breeding, he can court more than one female with no problems. The fry are new hatchlings it takes 2-3 days or so depending on temp for them to absorb the yolk and start feeding on own. I have higher survival rates by leaving them with the mom, then seperating them. Seperating them gets her back in the mood to breed faster, but you get lower survival rates.
As the fry grow, they will go back to mom's mouth for protection, etc. At first it looks like she's eating them, but she's not....usually. Once the threat is gone, she opens her mouth and out they come. I have seen them return to mom's mouth up to about 1/4 inch long. Some fry once free swimming just don't want to go back. Not sure why.
How fast they are ready to breed again depends. In my experience it depends on your care, water quality, feed, temp, and age of fish. Mature adults return to cycle slower but have higher number of fry. Younger seem to be quicker, but very small hatches and prone to mistakes until they figure it out. Just my experiences though. Proper conditioning, and water parameters does a lot.

12-30-2011, 06:49 AM
Powdered hardboiled egg yolk does wonders as fry food. But feed very small amounts through the day and siphon excess out. It spoils water quickly. As soon as possible get them on brine shrimp. Live is best, frozen next best. Cyclopese is nice to, but can be pricey. I like Cyc. becuase of the color, I can see orange full bellies and know when they are hungry again. Small frequent feedings are best.
Water quality is key.....small frequent water changes.
They grow fast. The faster, the better for you as they can take a wider array of food sources and balance the diet faster.

12-30-2011, 06:53 AM
I don't dye my fish. If you put several in a tank and watch, they will tell you who the pairs are...and if you watch some more you can tell male from female by behaviors.
I have had some males look like females, and vice versa. We can't always tell the difference, but they can. Use old spawning water mixed 50/50 with new fresh water to induce hard or reluctant ones. The water holds the spawning hormone, and gets em excited. If they are ready, that will work. Most problems arise when trying to push a pair that just isn't ready. Good luck.

01-13-2012, 06:33 AM
I've been letting them show sex naturally. I have some fine looking males to choose from...one of which has a weird shaped mouth. Much wider then his body and almost shovel shaped. I wish I could get a decent picture...very different from all the other fish. I've separated two females so far...I have several others that are now holding eggs so I have a decent lot to choose from now. I'm thinking a couple of breeding tanks so there's still some choosing to be done. One of the females that I have separated has laid eggs again and is holding unfertilized eggs....I'm going to grab her and make her spit them out so she'll eat again....silly fish....I have a couple fish that are showing an almost tiger striping also...I'm hoping it becomes more pronounced.

Slow on the forum this time of year eh....

01-13-2012, 09:06 AM
Increase the fat levels in the food you are feeding. This has helped me a lot with egg production.

01-15-2012, 09:08 AM
So, I have 6 females separated. All at some point were holding eggs. When I grabbed the last 4....a couple had baby fish in their mouths. I'm going to find the largest male and throw him in there....Time to move some fish around for a fry tank......

01-15-2012, 09:17 AM

03-19-2012, 12:59 PM
so...i finally got around to assembling a tumbler. Need some better screen I think...the stuff I used it too fine...not a good current. I caught a holding female last night and poured the eggs in the tumbler...and she had 2 baby fish in there too! Looked this morning...one died...the other is moving around but can't quite swim yet...and there's maybe 50 or so eggs. I think after i change the screen and catch another holding female...I'm going to have to get a quickset pool. Anyone see any deals yet?

04-15-2012, 11:59 AM
so...picked up some window screen. Put it all together. caught three females that were holding...two had baby fish..the other had babies with egg sacks. Dumped them into the tumbler...adjusted air flow....about an hour later there were a bunch swimming around in the tank and lots of yolk babies still in the tumbler...all looked good. next day...no swimming babies...there's two juveniles in there...they must have eaten them! I have to pick up a small tank to separate the fry from the juvies. Carpenter is building me a tank for outside....5' base with 3'6" walls...600ish gallons. should make for some fun!

Anyone know where I might be able to get bass fry? I have a pond on site I would like to populate.