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09-06-2011, 08:11 PM
How is everyone? :mrgreen:

09-11-2011, 08:52 PM
JUst getting ready for winter. Cleaning out the garage. Extra stength advil.

09-12-2011, 04:21 AM
Good UF. Like Badflash, I'm getting ready for winter too, but southern style. Trying to get the 'farm' finished, so I can grow the cool weather stuff.. :) Thankfully I have the home system to start lots of lettuces, spinach, bok choy and that kind of stuff.. :D

Nice of you to ask UF...How are you ?

Badfalsh, is the advil, because you worked too hard cleaning the garage out...or does the cold get to your bones, like it does mine ?

09-12-2011, 05:07 AM
Hanging in there and busy. My classes are tough. I'm excited about this aquaponics conference coming up though in Orlando! :-D

So, when do you think you'll be in production with the farm? Got any buyers lined up? :-)

09-12-2011, 05:36 AM
still recoverying from shoulder surgery..
but i've been putting a few bucks aside, thought i might have had a line on some IBC's for the basement system, but it will be a little while before i can do much gravel washin..

09-12-2011, 10:04 AM
still recoverying from shoulder surgery..
but i've been putting a few bucks aside, thought i might have had a line on some IBC's for the basement system, but it will be a little while before i can do much gravel washin..
Get well soon sir! :)

09-12-2011, 12:00 PM
How is everyone? :mrgreen:

Sticky! Despite using rubber gloves, I managed to get 2 part poly all over my hands while waterproofing the inside of some 108 gallon 3/4" plywood containers I am adding to expand my 270 gallon smaller system to 410 gallons.

09-12-2011, 02:06 PM
Good Good,

I am in the process of moving to Colorado to start my new farm project. I am not sure what I am going to do with my current system and whom will rent my home (not enough time to sell).

I have a line on a beautiful place on 3 acres with 1000 gallons of the cleanest water in North America per day available for my fish and food.

Planning on moving at the end of November. Just need to work on my plans more as this date approaches.

Thanks for asking

09-12-2011, 02:08 PM
How is everyone? :mrgreen:

Sticky! Despite using rubber gloves, I managed to get 2 part poly all over my hands while waterproofing the inside of some 108 gallon 3/4" plywood containers I am adding to expand my 270 gallon smaller system to 410 gallons.

This is just the beginning. Let me tell you the REST of the story!

I'm all excited about building this new tank. As usual, it takes three trips to Home Depot before I finally get all the stuff together that I need to do this build. But now, I'm ready to rock and roll on ths tank build!

So I meticulously lay out the parts to the plywood tank, mask off the edges where they will butt up against adjoining walls, and drill the holes to accomodate the plumbing for the new tank. I bought a 2" special bit to use to countersink a hole part way thru the 3/4" ply. Those damned newfangled tamper proof packages! I use snips to cut it along one edge, then attempt to rip the plastic apart to get the bit out. I succeed in ripping apart the plastic, but the bit flies out in the process slicing my left index finger deeply and causing me to bleed like a stuck pig all over the driveway where I am working. Several bandaids and a foot of adhesive tape later, and I am good to go again.

So I judiciously measure out the hardener to the amount of poly resin I'm using to waterproof the plywood and commence to roll it on. The stuff is supposed to start setting up in like 30 minutes. I finish the initial coat and patiently wait for it to start setting up so I can apply additional coats. I drink a beer, I smoke a cigar, I check the tackyness and it's still totally wet after an hour. Hmmm...

I check the instructions again only to discover I had meticulously followed the instructions for mixing one OUNCE if resin - not the sixteen ounces I had laboriously rolled over the bottom, sides and end pieces of the new tank! What to do now?

I decide to drink another beer and smoke another cigar while contemplating my options. Then, I get the bright idea to mix another batch of resin and hardener, but "overkick" the hardener just a tad so as to have it help set up the initial coat which I had underkicked. So that's what I do. But half way through rolling a coat on the first sheet of ply, I notice the texture is sorta cottage cheese like. Hmmm...

I look down at my little plastic roller pan only to discover a smokin' hot brick of poly! My little sponge rubber roller is missing chunks of sponge rubber now thoroughly embedded on the surface of the plywood sheet. Prying the brick of poly out of the plastic paint pan, I burn my fingers. (The ones that weren't protected by the bandaids and adhesive tape that is.)

I decide another swig of beer is in order at this point. I pick up the bottle, take a big swig, only to discover it was not the half full bottle of beer, but the bottle I had sitting next to it with an inch of warm beer I had used to butt out my two cigars in.

Yeeeech! I almost hurl, but use the other half full bottle of beer to rinse out my mouth. I feel better for a moment, but I also now feel the urge to piss. So I slip my flip flops back on and head inside to do my business. Relieved, I head back outside to tackle the plywood and poly again - this time with a tad LESS hardener.

I like going barefoot so I kick off my flip flops. Or at least I try to. The left one comes off, but the right one somehow seems to be now permanently attached to the sole of my right foot thanks to the miracle of polyester and resin (which I had evidently spilled on the driveway and obviously stepped in whilst attempting to rectify my initial poly resin debacle.

I think this project is going to require a LOT more beer! I'll update later on. Right now I'm heading back to the beer store.

Film at eleven!

09-12-2011, 03:08 PM
Glad everyone is doing okay except for bsfman! :lol: :lol: :lol:

09-12-2011, 03:45 PM
Glad everyone is doing okay except for bsfman! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, Urban, I'm doing quite fine. :)

At age 61, I've reached the point in life where I find amusement in my ill advised adventures! Every day is a holiday and every neal is a banquet (no matter how humble). Life's a bitch if ya ain't got a sense of humor!

My tanks will eventually get built and my fish will love them. And to top it off, I'll have stories to tell! :)

09-12-2011, 05:18 PM
Kieth, sure hope your shoulder heals soon... :D I feel your pain...My right shoulder is hurting from working too much at the farm.

BSF....that's too funny...I can laugh, because I've done some of the same things... :lol:

UF...soon. Showing some nitrites when testing now...almost no measurable ammonia.

09-12-2011, 06:02 PM
I'll let you know as soon as I know :shock: :o :lol: :mrgreen:

09-13-2011, 09:32 AM
Thanks david.. i'm glad i had the surgery, called SLAP repair, and decompression..it was an old injury that i didn't push but it started hurtin pretty much all the time..
i already have more range of motion, but another month of healing and i should be able to do some actual physical labor..

09-13-2011, 10:12 AM
My shoulder was broken when I was 2 years old. I was told, I fell off one of those rides in a park, where you push it, to make it spin fast. I (had) an older brother and (have) 2 older sisters....but I'm not pointing any fingers... :roll: :lol:
Now that I'm 50 something....it aches from time to time...especially when it's cold out.. :cry:

Glad to hear your's is getting better :D

09-16-2011, 11:16 PM
getting ready for an interium major move, systems need to be modified for relocation, not looking forward to the move, but looking forward to being relocated.
moving all of the grow beds, the 1000gal vat, wood and glass greenhouse, (4) 2'x4'x2' flow threw worm bins, 200-300 goldfish, 12 KOI ranging from 2'-3' in length. plus all of the equipment.

09-17-2011, 04:59 AM
Gosh, I sure do hate it that I'm not close enough to help :roll: :lol: :lol: No, seriously, I would be more than happy to help if I lived close enough. Hope the move goes well for the fish. It will be the hardest on them. :mrgreen:

09-17-2011, 08:13 AM
i have shipped many smaller fish, but for the koi i will have to have the help of my friend who has a large KOI wholesale/retail business. sure wouldn't want to chance loosing them. i've had all of them since they were about 6" long, part of the family. and thanks for the offer, i'm sure you have the experience. and then there is more poor nephew! ;)

09-18-2011, 01:44 AM
It's been a little slow at DIY....or at least hearing from UF. He must of went to the aquaponics conference...? If he did, we should be hearing from him later this afternoon.. :)
I heard, they had a pretty good turn out, 300 people from around the world.

I'll be missing for a few days myself...I'm going to an aquaponics training class in Brooksville FL, this comming week.