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View Full Version : FINALLY THE BIG 1K POST

08-25-2011, 01:17 PM
Not much meat to this post other than to say when I started this site and forum, I was ahead of everyone in the number of posts. Now I'm coming in 4th to reach 1,000 posts and I have a couple more members hot on my heals that will probably surpass me by the end of the year.

OH well, I actually post very little except to welcome new members and advise them to go to their profile and put in their city and state/country where they live just in case there are members close by they can interact with. I do however do my best to read every post that is made just to keep up with whatever might be new coming down the pike.

So, here's to my next 1,000 and all those after that...thanks for being my friends and members of the best DIY Aquaponics forum in the world. Here's to all of you, THANKS :mrgreen:

08-25-2011, 01:32 PM
HAHA, CONGRATS JCO! I remember when I got 1,000. It's a momentous occasion :mrgreen:

08-28-2011, 09:09 PM
congratulations, now get back to posting! :lol: