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07-10-2011, 06:09 AM
Please take me off your list. I didn't sign up to listen to you whine about how your business was more important than the families of twelve million Americans going hungry, or imply that my unemployed and underemployed friends and family are somehow lazy, or that they're sitting at home instead of trying to get a job.


It would seem that I hit a nerve with this individual when I sent out the Journal publication notice email. I won't mention a name here as who it was is not as important as knowing there are actually people like this in America. Even though I don't think I was actually whining about what happened, I do think my wife and I have a right to be a little upset over it. Additionally, what happened not only affected our family, but also the families of the 10 employees she had working for her most of whom had been with her from the start.

If what I wrote in that email was "WHINING", then I hereby make this public apology for venting my frustrations on all the loyal members of this forum.

I guess when the dust finally settles, the above person can make the number twelve million and THREE Americans to include my family and OH YES don't forget the 10 former employees and their families.

As for people sitting at home drawing unemployment instead of trying to get a job, I have had first hand experience meeting some of them. I have a friend that had a business nearby and he was trying to expand it so he ran an ad in EMPLOY FLORIDA and asked me if I would do the interviewing for him. He had 5 slots he wanted to fill. Although the positions were commission only, the average income for the first year had a track record of producing an income in a ranged from 65 to 85 thousand dollars with a potential of over 100K the second year.

After one month of interviewing an actual count of 74 men and women with approx. 75 to 80% stating on their applications that they were on unemployment, I was not able to hire even one person. I remember one man in particular that said since Obama had extended the unemployment benefits, he had a year left on his benefits He said that he really like the opportunity but needed to discuss it with his wife. About 2 days later he call me and said that he wasn't going to take the position as his wife wanted him to take care of some badly needed maintenance around the house and if the position was still available later he could accept it.

Now I am one for taking care of business around the house, however my thinking is you do that in your off time from work, not instead of work but I guess if the government is willing to pay you to do nothing, that's the best job in town.

Sorry folks, I do apologize for whining :mrgreen:

07-10-2011, 08:09 AM
I read your email. I didn't consider whinning, venting yes. This section of the forum is for all kinds of topics. I'm sorry about your wife's business! I'm sorry about the people on unemployment. We collectively got ourselves into this mess and we're going to have to bite the bullet and get ourselves out.
The government did it yes, but we are the government! We've spent our selves into a hole. The government cannot create jobs! When the gov't creates a job they are using our money. A debt based currency will not work in the long run, only the house (bankers) will win. Only commodity based currency has real value not a debt based one.
We have to think like our ancestors and not depend on the government.
We need to raise our own food (aquaponics is one of the many ways).
We have to get rid of our debt.
We have to create value - food, learn skills, barter. Work with your neighbors and friends. Create community. this is the way our ancestors did it, this is the way we can do it.
We have a good community here with a lot of knowledge. USE IT!
Learn to roll with the punches, don't take things personally. It's going to get ugly out there.
We're going to need all the help we can.


We can get out of this! It won't be easy!

07-10-2011, 02:58 PM
we might not agree very often, and i mighta missed an email, but i don't think you're whiner in any way.. you speak what's on your mind, you have that right, just like anyone has a right to reply, but when communication breaks down to an "us and them" kinda thing.. well.. that's definitely the wrong way to go..i think being able to carry on a civil conversation even when you disagree with someone, well, it's pretty important.. at least that's the way i was raised

ps, i didn't write the email :mrgreen:

07-10-2011, 05:12 PM
keith_r, it's nice to have you around as the other side of the coin. We will never agree on everything except that we both want America safe from all enemies...internal as well as external.

I had my wife write this because it was too mushy for a man to put pen to.. :!: :mrgreen:

07-10-2011, 08:48 PM
don't worry about it. :)

07-11-2011, 07:23 AM

you big softy

07-11-2011, 12:29 PM
I didn't do it...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it..! :mrgreen:

07-11-2011, 01:37 PM
JCO, I was offput by the original mass e-mails you sent as well. It was the first time I had received an e-mail of that nature from the moderators, so i didnt really consider unsubscribing.

I dont support the response you received and i dont agree with the delivery, but i think you are overreacting by even responding to it.

I also think it's crappy to air out private conversations in a public forum... Maybe that's just me.


07-11-2011, 07:27 PM
JCO, I was offput by the original mass e-mails you sent as well. It was the first time I had received an e-mail of that nature from the moderators, so i didnt really consider unsubscribing.

I dont support the response you received and i dont agree with the delivery, but i think you are overreacting by even responding to it.

I also think it's crappy to air out private conversations in a public forum... Maybe that's just me.


I put it in the SUMP because that is one of the reasons the SUMP was created by the members of this forum by a unanimous vote...to air things among friends that are not necessarily about AP.

I posted what I received from a member (with no name attached) so other members could give me feed back as to how they felt about it...right or wrong...we may not work like other forums but that's how this forum works because the majority of us feel this is a true community and in order to be a community, you have to learn how to get alone with each other. We are all adults here and therefore allowed to speak our minds on this forum if done respectfully and with dignity toward each other.

i think you are overreacting by even responding to it

As for responding to the email...I think it wise to turn off the heat under the tea kettle rather than to let it boil over...in other words, if I get it off my chest to friends what happened and how I feel about it, then I don't carry it around with me letting the tea kettle boil over on me.

Some of my friends will agree and some won't but they will all still be my friends at the end of the day.

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the closing of my wife's daycare in the mass email, but I did because it was bearing down on me hard. It is a tragedy for me and my family as well as the families of the 10 employees that worked for my wife...now there are 11 families wondering how they will get things back on track.

My wife's daycare had been in business 4 years starting from scratch...the first two years...things were snowballing toward a successful and rewarding business. The last two years under Obama's stupidity, the business spiraled downward as quickly as it had went up. My wife and I are both very proficient business people with many years of business experience under our belts but regardless of what we did there was no stopping it.

I know we are not the only ones who have seen their business close. I see them everyday when I drive down the street. For example, a Kentucky Fried Chicken which was on the busiest street in my town for some 40 years has closed its doors along with gas stations by the dozens and dozens upon dozens of other small business of all kinds imaginable.

You can't survive as a small business when the government takes your tax dollars and give them to billion dollar corporations for bailout (because they mismanaged their money and are still at it) instead of investing in small businesses which actually drive the economy. Too big to fail my ***..! Sorry, boiling over again.

I was offput by the original mass e-mails you sent

I think it would be interesting to know exactly what it was about the mass email I sent out that got you all out of sorts. Care to comment...remember...unlike the "personal email" I received with the foul language in it, here you are out in the open and identified to people all over the world. :mrgreen:

07-12-2011, 09:31 AM
I think everything went the way it should. JCO sent out a heart felt message of explanation. A member took offence and voted with his or her's electronic feet. That is the way it is supposed to work.

You have no right from being offended. You have the right to leave. What scares me is that many people feel that "freedom from offence" is a basic right, and that the right to remove one's self might be taken away.

07-12-2011, 12:08 PM
right on

07-14-2011, 12:51 PM
JCO, from your response i think you get what i was saying.

Badflash, I'm not offended and i'm not sure it's possible for an e-mail or a forum post to offend me. LOL, I dont think that leaving the forum is going to be necessary in this case... but it is nice to know that I am a such a valued contributor.

I typically stay away from sump posts because debates seem to get too passionate. I finally caught up on all of the forum posts and I have just been reading all of the "new posts". In the future, I will be more careful about what i reply to as to avoid potential for causing people to get butt hurt.


07-15-2011, 07:13 AM
The basic thing to keep in mind in the sump is to say what you feel and what you see. Say away from name calling a nd personal attacks on members. Think of this a a virtual bar stool.

07-15-2011, 09:19 AM
Way to go Badflash....it's always Miller Time in the Sump :mrgreen:

07-15-2011, 06:40 PM
Well, I wasn't here, and haven't accessed my emails yet (and I most likely won't have time to access them now), but I will say this about what I've read so far in this thread ...... I'm sick and tired of being unemployed, so I left my family here in Montana, and found some work for a company that is based in Minnesota, I work 16 hours a day standing on my feet flagging traffic, no pee breaks, no lunch breaks, and when I get back to my van (my home away from home), I'm too tired to do anything more than make a couple of peanut butter and bread sandwiches and go to bed to try to get 5 - 6 hours of sack time before I go back to flagging at 5:00 AM in the morning .... who knows, I may be working in your town next! I'm 67 years old (68 in less than two months), have a service connected disability, and I have been turned down for more jobs than most of you can imagine .... mainly because of my age ("You're almost 70!!!") which employers are supposedly not allowed to ask, but also because of my religious beliefs (which I refuse to go into any further), so as far as whining about all the unemployed, I feel like saying to those 12 million unemployed "get off your lazy butt, and even if you have to leave your family behind for 6 months to a year or more, go out of state if you have to and go find a job!" Cowboy up! Be the man you pretend to be and seriously go look for a job, even if it isn't what you really want to do, and if it isn't close to home!! This is what I have had to do since I first took on the responsibility of marriage and starting a family - be willing, no matter how long the separation, to go wherever you have to, to find a job and support your family, don't be one of the suckling piglets drawing milk off the sow of public welfare (yes, welfare (public assistance) unemployment or any other gov't funded relief program is actually gov't funded welfare, just like "farm bailouts, factory bailouts, and bankster bailouts"), and search the internet and find a job so you can be able to thumb your nose at the O'bummer who would rather keep you on the gov't dole than see you be independent and able to survive his attempt to destroy this country from within. Now in case you have a snappy comeback to this, yes, I have had to ask for welfare, unemployment (I ran mine out of all the extensions looking for work in my local area too, no luck!), etc., and right now I am on Social (in)Security, but take it from me, the gov't dole was never meant to support you, it's only meant to make you more and more dependent on the gov't (read elites/banksters/politicians!). I won't be here to receive your response, because I have to go back out of state to go back to work .... this is the first chance I've had a break in two months, and it's only for 1 day with my family. and it may be a few more months before I get next to a computer to find out what you had to say, so save your breath, it will do you no good!
Just my 2 centavos .........

07-15-2011, 08:53 PM
Be safe and my God bless and keep you and yours....take care friend. :mrgreen:

07-16-2011, 04:14 AM
Hi Jackalope...Great hearing from you. I was starting to wonder..?...your doing well and your as fiesty as ever.... :D
After reading your response, (which I thought was GREAT!)....I remebered a video that I just saw the other day....I'll make a new topic in the sump, and call it ...'Jackalopes Nightmare'.